Simple Ways to Help...

There are many ways you can support the work we do in our Benefice. Come along to a service or event, volunteer a little of your time or skills, provide a little financial support through the collection plates or by donations - but most of all we want you to spread the Word - we are here to share the joy of living a life in Christ, however we can, whenever we can, where ever we can.

Here at St Margaret's, we've teamed up with to make it possible to donate to St Margaret's Church funds via text giving - I'm sure you've all seen adverts on telly whereby you text a keyword followed by a number to donate that same amount, and this is exactly what you can do for us now!
All you have to do is text the word STMARGS followed by a number between 1 and 20 to 70085, and you will donate that amount, eg text STMARGS5 to donate £5. It will cost you the donation amount plus your standard message rate, and 95% of your donation will go directly to help us. You will also have the option to Gift Aid your donation, if appropriate.

We now have a card reader in church to allow you to make contactless donations.

Never know what to do with those empty printer ink cartridges?  Just pop them into the Empties Please recycling box in St Margaret's Church porch and we can send them for recycling and get paid for each cartridge they can process.  Don't worry about which cartridges you can contribute to the scheme, we will sort them out, and any that can't go to Empties Please will be sent back to the manufacturer under their own recycling schemes.  Most companies operate a free returns envelope scheme, so there is no cost to us.

We raise funds, which help off-set our own printing costs, you find a home for your empties and nothing goes to waste!

The Parish Giving scheme is a cost effective way of supporting your local churches- it's very easy to sign up to and you can gift aid your donations to make an even bigger difference!  We keep our doors open to serve our communities by having a reliable income that enables us to budget properly.  The Parish Giving Scheme gives us that stability.  Go to and with a simple search you can find all four churches with links to make either a one-off donation or sign up for regular giving.  We want to be there for when you need us - Parish Giving helps us to make that happen.

Easy Fundraising is a way to do your regular online shopping AND raise money for St Margaret's Church at the same time - and it doesn't cost you a penny!  You simply go to the website first, click on Find Your Cause at the top of the screen, type in "St Margaret of Antioch" and select us from the list, find your retailer and then shop as normal - for every purchase you make through Easy Fundraising, St Margaret's Church will receive a donation.  It's that simple!